COVID-19 undoubtedly interrupted the usual workflow of employees across the world. According to the CDC, here are some ways to create a safe workplaces in order to keep employees and clients healthy.
Prevent Transmission Among Employees
Symptomatic employees should notify their superior and quarantine at home
Sick employees should:
Stay home and receive care
Avoid public transportation
Follow social distancing rules and if within close proximity to someone wear a facemask
Monitor your symptoms
Clean your hands often
Educate employees about steps they can take to protect themselves at work and at home
Keep the office space clean. Nobody wants to stay in a dirty environment for eight or more hours of their day. Facemasks, hand sanitizers, and cleaning supplies are available in order for your employees and clients to remain healthy.
Develop Workplace Adjustments
Modify, adjust, and change workplaces so that employees can maintain a distance of 6 feet
Stagger shifts and break times to reduce the number of employees in common areas such as screening areas, break rooms, and conference rooms.
Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched by employees. We have and offer a large selection of cleaning products that keep the spread of COVID-19 contained.